The Nuit du Hack XV will host many challenges, including:

* a public jeopardy-style wargame
* Bug bounty
* Who wants to win Bitcoins ?
* Social Engeenering Challenge at ndhXVI !
" An Escape Game !
* a private « Capture The Flag » powered by Sysdream

And more !



This year again, there will be a public wargame in parallel with the ctf. You will be able to fight against other visitors by solving challenge during the night.

We also recommend that you think provide switch, cable networks and eventually power strip in order to enjoy the game.

We are looking sore some more challenges for this new edition of the Nuit du Hack. If you're interested in, please send us your submissions at to the attention of @majinboo.

Please include the following elements : The name of the challenge, its difficulty (from 1 to 10) and a writeup to solve it.

Bug Bounty

Bug bounty programs will be reveal during the opening of the Nuit du Hack. This programs will be exclusively saved to the Nuit du Hack participants and a wallet of 5000 euros will be assign to the programs in order to pay bug hunters.

Bug Bounty rules

Who wants to win Bitcoins ?

Do you like trolls, questions and bitcoins ? Lucky you, we do too ! This 16th edition of the Nuit du Hack will host our first interactive hacker game during which 9 teams of 3 persons will fight to win the ultimate prize: a wallet (almost) full of bitcoins ! The goal is quite simple: the best team to score the maximum amount of points by correctly answering questions (42 is not a valid answer) wins. Since it's an interactive game, our fellow hackers watching the game will be solicited each time the candidate teams are stuck on a question to win goodies and lots of respect !

Teams are made of 3 people, no more, no less, to sign up, send an email at including the name of the team and nicknames of you and your teammates.

Engagement Rules ( in french )

Social Engineering challenge at NDHXVI !

Unfortunately, this challenge is only available for frenchies people.

Escape Game at the NDH16 !

An Escape Game will be set up by the ACF