[FR] (Not) All Quiet on the Eastern Front par Maliciarogue
The infamous Russian hackers make life difficult, but spicy, for everyone. Advantageously hidden by their chapkas (a culturally compatible replacement to the outrageous hood of the Western hacker), they want to rule the US, France and our money.
The truth is, however, less glamorous. Russia is the favourite scapegoat of all kinds of experts as soon as a significant event occurs. This place of choice is disputed only by the psycho-rigid and snarling North Koreans.
It would be misguided, if not plain stupid, to deny significant Russian activity in the global cybersecurity ecosystem. There is, however, a fundamental difference between raking out armchair geopoliticians and a deep understanding of the RuNet and its actors. RuNet denotes the portion of the Internet and its applications where the Russian language predominates.
And this RuNet, just like any culturally and historically defined space, has its specificities. These are essential for anyone wishing to apprehend the world, and the 'Eastern threat', and integrate these concepts into their everyday life as a security analyst. During this talk, I will focus on the evolution of RuNet, its actors, functioning and dynamics. There will be trolling (albeit unpaid), political philosophy and tech dive.
À propos de Maliciarogue @maliciarogue
Experte en gestion des risques et des crises, Rayna Stamboliyska est consultante en gouvernance de sécurité et conformité auprès d’entreprises et d’organisations internationales. Elle est également l’auteure de « La face cachée d’Internet » (éd. Larousse), primé par le Prix du livre Cyber "Grand Public" au Forum International de Cybersécurité (FIC) 2018. Elle a aussi étudié l’impact des données et technologies de l’information dans de nombreux pays en situation de conflit et post-conflit, notamment en Europe de l’Est et au Moyen Orient. Rayna enseigne à l’IAE de Poitiers et tient la chronique « 50 nuances d’Internet » sur ZDNet.fr.